\"\"As a positive parent I am always looking for new ways to keep my kids focused.  Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time with my 16 year old who is a junior in high school.  As I did with his older brother I am talking to him about the real world. 

I can remember when I was a teenager.  I did not have a clear idea of where I wanted to go.  At that time (almost 40 years ago) the emphasis was on finishing high school and going to college.  I finished the high school requirement (6 months ahead of my class), but I dropped out of college after 2 years.  It would be 8 years later when I would receive a 2 year college degree and even at that time I was very unclear about what I wanted to do. My heart wanted to move in a direction that would give me a career in photography. Then as now I love making pictures, but at that time no one told me that I could do this and be successful.  It is not until now, in this changing world, that I think it’s OK for one to follow his/her heart.

As a young man growing up in NYC, the emphasis was on getting a city or federal job.  When I lived in Ohio it was to get a job in a factory, steel mill or an auto plant.  The times have changed.  Many of these jobs due to cutbacks and closings, no longer exist. Now more than ever, our kids have to be more creative in their quest to find meaningful careers.

The talks I have with my 16 year old follow this line of thinking.  I try to encourage him that it is not too early to begin thinking about what it is that he would like to do as a career.  I’ve explained to him that finishing high school is not an option. It is a MUST. Once this part of his life is done, he can truly explore what the world has to offer and that may or may not include college. The world is changing at such a fast pace and he needs to be open minded to make the choices that will be best for him.

The bottom line is that I want him to be the best he can be which includes being a productive member of society and, somewhere in the distant future, a positive parent.


I would like to thank all those in the armed forces who are serving, who have served and those who paid the ultimate price. With out you we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms we now have.  Thank You!!

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