\"\"It seems like yesterday that I was wishing everyone a Happy New Year.  2009 has come and is almost gone.  The year moved so fast.  There were many major events in my family.  My mom had a stroke in April ( She\’s OK now),  my 23 year old daughter gave birth to her second daughter,  my 26 year old son and his wife gave birth to their second child ( a boy), my 15 year old started his second year of high school and my 5 year old started kindergarten.  My wife and I, by the grace of God, became another year older (Don\’t tell her that she\’s getting older. LOL).

Overall 2009 was a pretty good year.  I believe that the only setback ( my mom\’s stroke) became a rallying point for all of us.  We all took turns at the hospital and grew to understand how important she was to us but also how important we are to each other.  Life is very fragile and one event could change it all.

I began this blog in September to share those values that my dad and mom had passed on to my brother, sister and myself.  I never felt that these values were unique.  I do feel that there needs to be a forum to discuss these issues.  I\’ve written 14 posts on what  I feel are very important topics.  I look forward to the new decade to talk about many other important topics.  I shall include a poll in each new post to get your vote.

Our families are our most important asset.  It is the one thing that we must hold on to.  It is the only thing that will keep us growing.

I want to wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy New Year.  I also want to warn you that you should NEVER drink and drive.

I would like to read your comments and please vote in my New Years poll.


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