\"\"I think that I\”ve had the most wonderful life.  It all began when I was very young.  My parents gave me a pill and it made me the most perfect person in the world.  I got the highest grades in school.  I went to the most prestigious college in the country.  I even married the perfect woman.  We had two wonderful children and we gave them the same pill to make them perfect, too.  Don\’t you see.  I was able to keep this perfect thing going.

In reality this is not the way it happened.  I did get good grades in school, but I think that was more the result of my nerdiness than anything else.  I did get into one of the city\’s top colleges but, I dropped out in my second year. I did get married but after 23 years we divorced.  I do have 4 great kids( 2 from the first marriage, 2 from the second). There was no magic pill that made me the perfect person.  How then can I become the \”THE PERFECT PARENTTTT\”( the T\’s are the echo.  I hope you get it.)?

I believe that there is no such thing, despite how hard I\’ve try.   I feel I do the best I can do without a manual.  I\’ve made a lot of mistakes but isn\’t that what it\’s all about.  How could I learn without the mistakes?  Some of the things I did with #1 , I don\’t do with the rest.  There were things I did with the rest, I didn\’t do with #1. There was a time when I was a heavy smoker.  Now I\’m well aware of second hand smoke( I stopped smoking 14 years ago).  There was also a time when I was a heavy drinker.  Now I\’m well aware of how drinking can destroy a family( I stopped drinking 19 years ago).

I could go on and on  with the  many mistakes I made over the years.  The one thing it shows is that I\’m not and never will be \” THE PERFECT PARENTTTT\” (I hope you got it this time).  All I can ever hope is to do the best I can do in the moment.  I must,  at different intervals, take a look at what direction I\’m heading in.  Am I going the right way or am I aimlessly plodding along.  In any event I will continue to work hard at this parenting thing and I will leave the perfection for someone else.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. HerMelness Speaks

    There are so many great messages about parenting, or perfect parenting by imperfect parents, or imperfect parenting by perfect parent…all let down for me by imperfect blogging. Such great messages lessened by imperfect and automated mechanisms.

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